What is Fascia?

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You have most likely heard of the term fascia or myofascia before, but what does it mean?fascia line

Myo- refers to muscle, and -fascia to the three-dimensional network of densely woven, incredibly tough connective tissue that surrounds and encases every organ, muscle, nerve, bone and vessel in the entire body. These structures literally float in fascia.  Our body is not a continuous compression structure or “stacked” like a building or an anatomical skeleton.  Our bodies are tension dependent structures.


Imagine the fascia in your body like a spider’s web. It is a single structure that exists from head to toe. In this way, you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is inextricably connected to every other part by the fascia.


In a normal healthy state, the fascial system maintains the body in equilibrium through a delicate balance of tension and elasticity.  The muscles glide over each other within these fascia casings. With the proper amount of tension, it helps support the efficient alignment of your bones while being elastic enough to permit full, unrestricted movement called tensegrity.  Tensegrity is an advancing idea being applied to human biomechanics.
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However, in response to physical trauma or inflammation, it begins to lose its pliability. When you have an injury (a localized strain) such as slips and falls, whiplash, surgery, overuse or just habitually poor posture this creates fascial restrictions which accumulate over time. Fascia restriction is an inhibition of the gliding and the tissues begin to stick together. Once these restrictions start exerting abnormal pressure on bones, joints, nerves, blood vessels and even organs, they unbalance the system, creating pain both locally and in seemingly unrelated areas of your body. While your pain is all too real, the true cause is often overlooked by conventional medical practitioners since fascial restrictions do not show up on ordinary diagnostic tests such as MRI’s, CT scans and X-rays.


Fortunately, manual therapy like massage therapy and Myofascial Cupping Technique™ restore that glide. Myofascial Cupping Technique™ and massage therapy creates space and as a result creates and restores gliding. Releasing the connective tissue restrictions assists the body in returning to it’s normal sequence, adaptability and responsiveness. It’s like having a hard shell suitcase and you want to make it a soft shell. Preventative care such as regular massage therapy and Myofascial Cupping Technique™ reduces gliding inhibitions and restrictions from occurring in the first place helping you stay flexible and pain free.